The whirlwind of change blows ~history in the making~
Change happens and all around change is what everyone is talking about.
From our government elections to big business on Wall Street, change is inevitable and it will continue to occur for good or bad depending on how we see it through our own eyes.
However we may view and judge the changing events that fill our lives, it is one thing to go with the flow, and quite another to get caught in a cloud and not be able to see and freely move with necessary growth and adapting. In other words, blocking the flow and experiencing stagnation.
I believe this happens when we unnecessarily attach to people and outcomes.
Desert Seas is finally complete and we are releasing the collection on the Big Fuss Records label November 15th 2008. I am thankful for the journey. Some things are worth the wait.
I am not a perfectionist but a realist and lover in creating my music.
It is most important for me to gather and express all possible emotion in a moment, creating a moving and heart touching lyric and melody. This is the basis of a great song. All the production in the world will not help a song that just doesn’t have heartfelt feeling!
Today with the music industry changing rapidly, and with myspace being such a great portal of exposure for the independent artist- one has to follow their own heart and do the best they can with what they have got because it really does come down to touching hearts.
I think a lot of the highly exposed and marketed manufactured rock and various other highly produced pop style music is waning on the everlasting and sell-ability mostly due to deeply touching the listener. This music sounds cool when you first listen, but then the craving for it does not exist frequently because it is missing something very real. (my personal opinion) It is compressed and processed to sound cool, contemporary, and big. Some think this steely production is called “radio ready”.
Well I am all for being radio ready and having great sound, and I will continue my journey in learning to become a great producer; but I choose not to spend thousands of dollars on processes, and more of my thousands on marketing.
My goal is to tug on your heartstrings and with “Desert Seas” I embarked on a journey with a friend who left me with half the bag, and am I glad he did. My sound genius friend got me going by doing a bit over half of my mixes on “Desert Seas”, and he blessed me with some of his great gift. He is really amazingly talented and has an outstanding ear, but he is a quirky artist guy who needs to be free to do his own thing most of the time. He does not work well on time schedules and unfortunately has a heavy load just living, and because I have a large body of work, my needs are to be as self sufficient as possible. I choose not to be dependent on others! No, I will not be like Guns And Roses, (keeping my fans waiting for the next 10 years) so, I proceed and follow my heart by doing the best I can with what I have learned and what I have within me. We do learn best from doing, and I’ve learned alot from this last production experience and have stepped up my game. I thank my friend for this.
I’ll continue to keep my recordings relatively organic and perfectly blissful in heart pounding emotion. It’s a new age and a new music game. I think its all about getting real. Just like the elections, and I encourage you all to vote. Find your voice and use it! Be real and honest and unafraid. (Lord help me)
That is my advice and the way I choose to live my life.
Check out “Desert Seas” if you are interested in an instrumental “New Age” listening journey.
This music is healing, uplifting and relaxing. Perfect for in your home while going about your bliss.
Purchase mp3 Downloads from Amazon.Com Here
Listen at MySpace Here
Stay tuned ~ More Love to come,
Miss Kristin
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