This is a continuation; Lets begin with “Ribbons And Pearls”
"Ribbons And Pearls" is a collection of hopeful tracks I wrote when I was relatively sad. I found myself alone and asking myself real life questions. I was a bit angry at God for my past troubles and heartaches, which I believed stemmed from abandonment issues. I believe I was being reconciled through the writing. With songs like “To Come” which expressed the truth that God knew all and was behind even my fear and pain and would make good come from it and yes I would “come” to Him. I believed God was writing me the love songs telling me He had “Nothing But Love” for me (a favorite track on the disc) and “Ribbons And Pearls”, where he gave me something to hold. (HIM and the music) I was lonely and asking questions about my choices. He answered them through the songs. I like this disc a lot. This was the beginning of my journey with Tom Landry and his talents on guitars and other instruments. I was learning to do more myself at this point with producing in Pro Tools and using my natural instrumental talents. I mixed and mastered the disc myself and I think it sounds great for my first time. I was determined to learn and I knew the best way was to study and do it hands on.
I am proud of this collection and it was a great growing experience. Again, industry was having a difficult time classifying me with this disc. They were wondering, was I a Christian artist, a secular,
or new age gal…I was a woman who found my Creator through music and was searching to understand more in depth. That’s about it! Another favorite track on the CD is “Psalm 124”. I did not want to sing this song when I composed it…because I did not feel delivered. I did in faith though, believing we must speak those things that be not as though they are …so they will come to pass. Wheewww!
What a mouthful! To this day, it always lifts me up when I listen and sing to this track. Tom and I really enjoyed playing and singing this one too.
"Amazing Power"
Is a favorite collection of mine because I was doing my best to feature songs that would be uplifting and appealing to a wide range of listeners. I have many favorites on this album but my all time fav is “All I Ever Want”. I really enjoyed the recording process because we were adding new instruments like Violin and Pedal Steel Guitar. Tom Landry was giving me some really great guitar tracks and we were finding ourselves really excited creating together. We knew we had something really special the two of us working together. I especially like the rockers on this album like “Fall Away”, and “Immigration Song”,
not to mention the title track “Amazing Power”. This collection was “loaded” with great music. I love “Agony and Ecstasy” as it was written when I was really feeling excited and frightened at the same time with my muse (love). But honestly, every song on this album is great and I would definitely recommend purchasing “Amazing Power”.
I also did the mixing myself and the mastering. I actually find this album to be one of my best products. The music has a great organic feel and stands powerful as a whole. I was learning the business of creating (producing) and marketing my own collections. It was an exciting time, but I had so much more music to get to. I was doing the best I could to fund the process and to put it out there manufacturing and marketing to radio but money was running out. We made it through though and did get some radio airplay.
"A Miss Kristin Christmas"
I will only say that this whole collection, (seven songs) are favorites and this disc should not be missed if you are someone who tends to feel the downers of the holiday season and needs uplifting.
I can tell you firsthand that most of these songs came through my own great sadness and I think that is what makes them so beautiful. I was alone a lot with my family across the country. I was coming to terms with being on my own and making my own happiness. This would come as these songs were developed. Production on these tracks is raw and real. Not perfect or puffed up…just pure.
I do hope you will listen to the whole collection some season or seasons of your choosing.
I believe you will find the songs heart touching timeless and classic.
"The Runner"
I was most excited about “The Runner” yet it was the collection I hated to sing the most.
The songs were sad and I was even sadder….As far as the tracking was concerned; Tom and I were thrilled to be rocking hard and creating a free form style. Money had pretty much run out, and so we were doing most all the work ourselves. I was in a bit of a depression when I was to sing the tracks, and the whole collection pretty much was a discussion on what was going on with me running from myself and love throughout my early life. My spirit was leading me to expose my dark side so that I would put it to rest once and for all. I believed others could relate and would be healed when they were to latch on to what we were doing. I must say that after this album showed up and was sent out around the world, I was relieved and felt I had made peace with the past and was free from depression. I believe this collection has the power to heal depression, if one just “goes there” so to speak, head on right into the dark. My two top favorite tracks are “Torch Song” and “Many Ways To Die”.
These were both so emotional to put out there yet so cool and moving, that they will always be on the top of my list. When I wrote “Torch Song”, I set out to write a great 1940’s style siren’s torch song.
I was having a vision that felt like I lived in another life and time like the 1500’s or something and this man whom I loved was living through this with me. It’s odd because I feel like I know this man in my lifetime today too… Weird huh? What a mystery! And “Many Ways To Die” was such a play on words and Toms guitar playing so off the hook HOT, this track always makes me move. “Falling At Your Feet” and “Faithless Heart” are two more favs on this collection too because they are really hopeful tracks and there is always a place for those in my heart. I like the dreamy stuff and the deep stuff. These both stand out to me. One more mention and that is to not miss “Always Been Poor” and “The Lost Years”
Two outstanding expressive tracks that will ignite your fire one way or another! Both songs extremely difficult to sing and put out there because they had sad content, but what I tend to do is to sing the sad stuff and then have the uplifting truth come along too in the same song. It really works for me making it really groovy and really heavy all at the same time! HA!
That’s it for now…
My favorite songs on my favorite albums…these are a few of my favorite things!
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